How to choose the right type of photo booth for your event!
Have you seen that video of the man playing the upside down cups game with the dog? The one where the dog actually picks the “right” cup, but then the man reveals that the “wrong” cup had even more treats in it? I don’t want you to feel like that dog. And I hope it isn’t too late to pick the right type of photo booth for your event. Here are ten booth types you may or may not have known about. And some pros and cons for each type!
Please note, I am not offering these services, except for my flipbook booth of course. Also, I have no affiliation with the companies that I reference in this post. This is simply for informational purposes, not sales.
If you would like to see this in video format, check out our YouTube video!
Type of Photo Booth #1: Enclosed Photo Booth
Small isn’t always a bad thing. If you’re looking for a private type of photo booth where guests can take their photos without being seen by everyone else at the event, this is the type of photo booth you may prefer. This can fit one or two people, like the ones at the mall or the zoo. Or it can be big, like a trailer done up all cute inside and outside just for photos! A more cost-effective alternative could be inflatable enclosures, like this. Also, enclosed booths are sometimes the best option for a 360 booth. This is the case if you don’t want the venue and guests in the background. Or if you’re Nicki Minaj.
Type of Photo Booth #2: Open air Photo Booth
Think of this as everything it’s predecessor wasn’t. But what this type of booth lacks in privacy, it makes up for in fun! First, you can fit more people at once. Second, there’s room for props!
Type of Photo Booth #3: Photos Only Booths
Choosing photos only can be a smart choice for speed, convenience, simplicity, and finances. This type of photo booth usually comes with options like: digital only, 2×6 photo strips, or 4×6 collage photos. Some booths do both, but beware because some booths charge extra for digitals, or only allows a certain number of prints. So, make sure you clarify with your photo booth vendor before you book.
Type of Photo Booth #4: Videos Only Booths
Choosing videos can be a smart choice for fun, share-ability, helping the less photogenic, and variety. This type of photo booth includes the 360 booths and the GlamBots which shoot really cool, slow-motion videos. Although the results can be spectacular with these, they are very large and bulky, and thus costly. The 360 booth should come with advisories such as: beware of the spinning arm on the platform when drinking. However, some companies have come out with alternatives. Some examples include drone 360 booths, overhead 360 booths, or 180 booths that are less of a fall risk, and more accessibility friendly.
If you’re feeling bummed that you can’t print a video, I would love to direct you to my homepage, because that is what we do! We print seven second videos into 28+ page flip books!
Type of Photo Booth #5: Booths with Static Backgrounds
If you want the same background for your entire event, this is probably what you’re looking for. The static backgrounds come in many sizes, in your event colors, and often can be customized for a certain brand, or with a photo of you on it! Though, these may come at an increased cost. Also, this will be the unifier among all of the guests’ photos/videos, so choose wisely.
Type of Photo Booth #6: Booths with Dynamic Backgrounds
If you want backgrounds that change, you have a couple options.
First, there is the obvious dynamic background choice: green screen. This is what we use at Flippin’ Fun Fotos to offer different background options so your guests can choose what they like. Vegas? Flowers? The ocean? The moon? Anything is possible with green screen, just watch an Avengers movie! But what if you don’t like the look of the big green square in the middle of your gorgeous gala? More options! Option one: double sided backdrops can hide the green screen and double as a place for guests to take their own photos. Option two: lose the screen, and digitally remove the background. This option is a bit more finicky, and may cost more to edit.
Second, there are backgrounds that have lights on them that shift throughout the photos/videos. These also may come at an upcharge.
Type of Photo Booth #7: Interactive Booths
This category holds a wide variety of booths. One is the mosaic booth that prints a small sticker of the guest’s photos with a certain coloring and as all the guests stick their stickers on the wall, their pictures form a larger picture such as a logo or a word. There is also digital graffiti walls where guests are encouraged to digitally edit their photos (before printing) with digital spray paint cans. This is where I would also include Augmented Reality booths and AI booths.
Type of Photo Booth #8: Mirror Booths
This is a very popular type of booth, it looks like a mirror, and comes in various sizes. Some are handheld and some are towering feats of engineering, and most are in-between. These mirrors aren’t like your usual mirror, though, because it’s more like a giant touch screen camera with interactive messages and overlays for photos. The downside to these beauties is that they don’t perform as well outdoors.
Type of Photo Booth #9: Roaming Booths
Our next category includes roaming booth robots that look like robots, roaming booths that look like booths on roombas, and roaming people with a portable photo booth and light. This doesn’t require space at your event, and it captures semi-candid photos!
Type of Photo Booth #10: Un-attended Photo Booths
Our final type of photo booth is the unattended booth, This is an excellent choice for a person with a small budget that is comfortable running it on their own. There are mail in and drop-off booths in this category. The mail in booths are typically smaller, and you just mail it back when you’re done. The drop off booths are often full sized booths, but there is no attendant to guide guests through booth use. In this case the (usually local) business sets up the booth before the event, and picks it up again afterwards.
That’s All For Now!
Was your favorite type on the list?
Thank you for reading, I hope you got your answers! If you have any questions at all, please leave a comment or e-mail us at [email protected].